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37. No April 15th: Tax Filing Deadline Changed for 2022


April 15 is traditionally tax deadline day for the Internal Revenue Service. That’s not the case in 2022, however, and the change has to do with a holiday in the federal capital. April 16 is Emancipation Day in Washington, D.C. The holiday commemorates the date in 1862 when President Abraham Lincoln signed the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act, freeing 3,000 slaves in the D.C. area. It has been celebrated in the nation’s capital since 2005. Because the April 16 holiday this year falls on a Saturday, it will officially be observed on the closest weekday – Friday, April 15 – closing city and federal offices in D.C. That means the tax day deadline is getting pushed back to Monday, April 18 for everyone except residents of Maine and Massachusetts. Residents in those states must file by April 19 since April 18 is Patriots’ Day. April 18 will also be the deadline to request an automatic extension for an extra six months to file a return though the payment of taxes remains due on April 18th.

United States Tax Services Tax Preparation, Payroll, Accounting, Tax Planning

Call us at (800) 913-0809 or send an SMS at (224) 676-3577 if you have any questions.

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